
The world's first licensable and completely customisable, massively multi-player (MMP) game and content development platform. Available as a turn-key, ready-to-use product, this game is suitable to both young and adult 'kids' and does not rely on graphic violence - a true family MMP game.

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Who should license this game? General Gaming sites, ISPs, advertisers, kid-focused sites and any company wanting to leverage the revenue-generating ability of focused, devoted online community. GraalOnline has also been ported to the following environments: Wireless (Java), Personal Digital Assistants and Handhelds, Set-top boxes.

We have built successful games in Flash, Shockwave and Java that are available for those buying GraalOnline licenses. The games can also be licensed individually or as a bundle to be included on game sites.

                      See complete list of available games

Who should license these games? General Gaming sites, GraalOnline licensing clients, wireless content providers